An “Old Dog” with some new tricks

Sockeye Brewing has been in Boise since the early ’90s. One of Boise’s original breweries and for most all of that time has produced some well know quality beers we’re all well familiar with. The classic, and their flagship beer Dagger Falls IPA is one the the best selling brands in the region. A hoppy sturdy IPA that has been making appearances at backyard bar-b-ques and BSU tailgate parties for nearly 3 decades.

When the craft beer explosion, renaissance, awakening…whatever you want to call it, took over in the mid 2000’s, breweries starting popping up in the area every several months it seemed. Many of these places had to find their own niche, establishing their unique foothold in the growing local craft beer economy. Some were largely experimental and esoteric, others focused on German styles etc. Sockeye seemed to stick with what they already knew they did well. A standard line-up. An IPA, a Brown, an American wheat, an Amber and a Pale. These and a few rotating seasonals, the menu didn’t change that often and when something new did show up, it was pretty few and far between, It also disappeared…usually for good after a short time.

I’ve often told people, and written about this on numerous occasions. The most interesting part of the craft beer industry, for me as a consumer and beer nerd is the never ending variety of what I can get a pint of at a local brew-on-premise. With this in mind the now 30 some breweries in the area, out competed for my attention, and business. Over the last several years Sockeye had dropped off my frequent rotation due to what seemed to me, a strategy of sticking mainly to just their regular lineup.

Catch and Release

I’m happy to report that evidently this is no longer the case. Something clearly changed several months ago. There are now, and have been, regular appearances of uncommon, or lesser known styles and recipes. Rogenbiers, Italian Pilseners, Saisons, Vienna lagers etc, have all recently shown up on their new “Catch and Release” list. I have to think this change was at least partly set in motion from feedback and suggestions that reflected my own view.

I had a conversation with Derek at the West Boise location recently and he confirmed that this was/is an intentional change. Maybe it is a bit of “keeping up with the jones’s” or maybe just livening things up with some “fresh blood”. Either way, I’m loving it. I’ll still order a Dagger Falls at a local restaurant, with dinner, when I see it. These experimentals at the brewpub are just a lot of fun. I’ll be trying as many of then as I can as they are released.

There is also rumored to be a rye-barrel aged “Baklava Russian Imperial Stout” on the horizon. It still has at least a few months to go, before its ready for prime time. I’ll be watching for that one especially. But with these small batch experiments coming out more often, this Idaho craft beer icon is back in my wheelhouse.


Bert’s Brewing to open its doors

Boise, for a long time had been home to 3 or 4 breweries/Brewpubs and in the mid 2000s everything craft beer sort of took off. Garden City seemed to be the epicenter of that explosion, partly due to the favorable utilities rates offered to commercial tenants. Payette, Crooked Fence, Kilted Dragon, and Barbarian were the early ones. A bit later, County LIne, Powderhaus, Western Collective, Twisted District and most recently Ida Wild, and Brown Beard came in. All setting up shop on the 3 mile stretch of Chinden, from I-184 to just past Glenwood.

A few of those establishments, sadly are no longer with us, but this year a couple more have popped up. The newest, “Bert’s Brewing” on Brown st near the Orchard down ramp is poised to open its doors. Its public opening is set for next week but myself and a few other “family and friends” were there this evening to check out the place. I have to say it will likely be one of my favorites going forward.

A modern but comfortable facility, plenty of natural light, small tables and comfy chairs for a couple dozen. Room for 8 or so at the bar. Garage doors for sunny days and/or warm evenings, and an outdoor patio. All tucked in up against the mini-connector carrying commuters down Orchard to Chinden from Fairview above. At first I thought that the hustle and the bustle of the nearby commute traffic would be a bit “present” but it actually feels like you are up under most of it. The natural landscaping and geography, sort of shields you from it all and somehow feels not so near.

I immediately ordered a flight of their current offerings, and thought all their beers were well done. Clean, light and tasty and just “professional”. I thought the West Coast IPA was fresh, hoppy , though not particularly aggressive. Balanced, fresh and easy to get along with. The Porter I had was smooth, lightly roasty and just a very nice pint. They are staggering their prices with the light Mexican lager a meer 5$. Up to a couple dollars more are charged for the bigger hoppier beers. Definitely a welcome price point, especially for a new venue in these times and this area.

I got to chat with Sidney, one of the owners and she told me their story. It could not have been more charming. A young couple, Robert and herself, each with several years of beer industry experience. Robert in the production, packaging side and recently completing brewing training in Chicago and Germany. Sidney on the restaurant and commercial side managing restaurants and tending bar. They met at a brewpub in Orange, CA and must have quicky sensed that the universe was speaking to them. In short order, they agreed, the best plan was to get married, combine their experience, move to Boise and open a brewery. Now, a year or two later, I for one am glad they did.

The tradition of Garden City’s “Brewer’s Row” has thus increased its craft beer presence, and in a very good way. West bound commuters on Chinden , will pass no less than 8 or 9 craft beer establishments on their way home. Ill be one of them, and will be stopping my Bert’s on a regular basis.
