
There is a group of beer enthusiasts in the Boise area that get together a few times a year for the sole purpose of sharing high end craft beer that, under the rules of engagement, are not available in the Boise area.  Guests, (by invite only) typically bring a bottle or 3 of something they’ve gotten in a trade, or brought back from a recent trip. Part of the fun is to try to wow the other attenders by what you set on the sharing table.

I was somehow able to secure an invitation to the latest “Ungettables” gathering last weekend and it was a bit of a whose who there that afternoon.  Head brewers of local beer establishments were there, several were home-brewers and other beer aficionados lined up their offerings on the table that we commandeered in the back room at 10Barrel Brewing.

I had been to one of these before, but that must have been in the infancy of this movement as there were only 5 or so of us that time.  My contribution of a 2008 Dogfish Head World Wide Stout went over pretty well. You don’t want to be “that guy” at these things, whose beer gets pulled out at the very end with a “well..there is this too….anyone want some” ?

This time there were 15 official invites, but a few more were also there and the beer lineup was exceptional.  Included in the attendance was our host, Shawn Kelso, head brewer at 10 Barrel Boise, Kerry Caldwell, brewer of the about to open Edge Brewing, and the facilitator of these gatherings, the @beerpoet himself, Chad Brusse

There were Saisons by Crooked Stave, Stillwater, New Glarus Strawbeery-Ruhbarb and their classic “Belgian Red”, Lost Abey’s “Gift of the Magi”, a Barrel Aged “B.O.R.I.S” by Hoppin’ Frog, and an”OatGoop” by Three Floyd’s.  Lots of others, most of which, if not all were in fact…ungettable to us here in Boise, ID save for this meet-up.

Thanks to those who made it happen, and for the invite.  Here’s looking towards the next one.