Hey Porter !

The classic old school Johnny Cash tune never fails to stick in my head for a bit when i settle down for a glass of the so named style of beer.   Today’s example is the Bridgeport “Cafe Negro”.  this will be my first time trying this particular Porter.  Coffee is a common added ingredient with Porters as the coffee flavors and aromas seem to me a match made in heaven for the dark roasted slightly bitter style.   Whom ever first thought of the idea is probably rich right now, possibly even reading this blog post, maybe even at this very minute… as it warms the cockles of his heart.   Well…maybe not that last part…

Bridgeport is another Portland, OR brewery that in my opinion is safe in the “Craft Beer” fold.  That is to say, while widely known to be a craft brewer, they are not so known for extreme or risky beers.   Their “Stumptown Tart” series are interesting if unimpressive particularly the dishwatery Framboise variant.   The IPA is solid and is a mainstay in the PNW and a good example of a west coast IPA.  The Blackstrap Stout and the ESB are also good example of their respective styles and are regulars in a lot of refrigerators in the Northwest.   But I digress….

This porter is growing on me.   As it warms a bit, it is getting softer, something that it can barely afford, and the roasted notes are getting sweeter.   Definitely an easy Porter to drink, even if you are not a huge coffee fan.  But it for sure would help if you were.  Bridgeport’s website says that the custom blend of coffee from local Portland area roasting houses is infused after fermentation while the beer is “cold conditioning” or settling in cold storage.   Presumably this helps to maintain a fresh pressed flavor and maintains more of the volatile flavor and aroma notes that they are trying to capture.   Which they do.

Like I mentioned, even though the coffee flavor is very pronounced, showcased even,  it is soft, smooth, not bitter and easy drinking.  At 5.5% it is a middle weight in this area, and downing a couple of them would be no problem.

Because it’s mine…I’ll walk the line.