Wax off
4 Months ago I wrote about a beer I was trying that was made by a new local brewer. Crescent Brewing, out of Nampa, ID. Then it was an Amber, and had it not been for the nearly flat carbonation and a possible slight infection, it would have been decent. I have not tried it again since, but I will as I don’t want to give either of my 2 readers a poorly researched or premature conclusion.
Today, I am at Brewforia Beer Market and on one of their 9 taps I see..l.ow and behold another “Crescent” beer. A Scotch Ale. This style is commonly named and referred to as a “wee heavy”. Typically Scotch Ales are fairly dark, brown, softly carbonated and have a malty somewhat sweet character. Often they are a bit high on the ABV, frequently 6-8%. Not to be confused with “Scottish Ales” which are not called “wee heavy” and have a more moderate alcohol level.
The Crescent example is definitely malty and a little on the sweet side per the style. Also lightly hopped. 15-25 IBUs or so I’d say. It is carbonated softly, like it should but there always seems to be a little film of superfine bubbles on the top. I Love that. It’s a little smokey and peaty, with some caramel notes as well. Lots of toasted malt and a creamy soft palate. I am much more impressed with this than I was the Amber a few months ago. Partly I think due to the flaws I saw in the last one happened after it was brewed.
This one is rich, filling, malty and just…nice. I wish I had time to have another.
I am excited to see further efforts from Crescent Brewery.