The day after
Having missed the previous nights “Epic” dinner at Brewforia, I stopped by the next afternoon, I suppose looking for leftovers. Not literally leftovers but maybe one or two of the special beers they had last night that might still be on tap. But, no such luck. I spotted a few bottles from the Utah brewer in the cooler, including the one I was most interested in “Brainless on Peaches”. Epic doesn’t give out much details on this particular offering and calls it simply a “Fruit Beer”. But at $15 per 22oz bottle, I may wait until I can share/split it with someone.
As it is, I settled for something they had on tap called Tail Waggin’ Double White made by GrandTeton Brewing, out of Victor, Idaho. This one happened to be the Chardonnay Barrel aged version. Technically a “Wit Beer” named for the white or pale color and is a style that originated about 400 years ago. Belgian wits have a more fruity yeast flavor and this one is pretty true to that classification. Light and tart with some of that Chardonnay wine flavor coming through as well. Light bodied and tangy. Very nice and refreshing, in no small part due to the very lively carbonation it has. I would be interested to compare the non barreled version of this one, side by side.
That Peach beer is looking even better now…may have to sell off a few baseball cards on ebay…