Changing of the guards

The Weisenbock I made a few months ago is not quite what I had hoped.  I’ll have some more tasting notes posted later and will likely bring a bottle or  two to this months meeting of the local Home-brewing club, and get some other opinions and feedback.  A strange sourness and poor head retention leads me to suspect an infection of some kind.  Also too, the effect seems to slowly be getting worse over the last few weeks.

This move is also to make room in the keggorator for  my  IronBrewer entry, the homebrew contest I entered a couple months ago.   It is a Baltic Porter made with licorice and has been in secondary for a few weeks now.  Pretty sure I have enough time to keg and carbonate, before I have to bottle some and ship out to the other participants.  The fact that the tasting date has been pushed back a week to Oct 12th, will make this easier.