
Anyone who knows me knows that I like Stouts. However there are a few sub categories of this dark roasted malty wonderousnes that I and the beer geeks I run with, recognize. Sweet, Milk, Imperial, Foreign, Dry, and Russian Imperial (the king of them all). Sure there are examples of each that blur into adjacent sub genres sometimes, ( “is this a regular stout or a tame imperial” for instance. ). But the powers that be at BJCP have decreed that there are in fact several different types of Stout Beer.

The one I am trying tonight is Lion Stout. It is classified as a Foreign Stout, which historically meant that it was stronger and hoppier than it’s “domestic” brethren. I picked it out of Brewforia’s cooler partly because of  it’s  sub 4$ price. Also I recognized it’s label as a likely Foreign, which I like. This one was similar to what I hoped and expected. Deep black and full tan head. Rich sweet roasted aroma with molasses and smokey notes. A little beef jerky in the flavor but plenty of sweet smokey flavors an a little sour twang at the end. A little dusty as well. The ABV is 8.8 and is hidden well.  Foreign stouts are great and this one is a fine example.