Mystery Homebrew

It was a bit too late to head out to my favorite establishment for a beer so I took my chances on an unlabeled flip-top bottle of, what I assumed to be my home-brew.   Could have been anything, really.  I typically label stuff I make that I bottle, or more often I keg most of my batches and then sometimes bottle a few from there if I want to take some bottles to a party or to a friends house or what ever.

Anyway, this one popped really loud so I knew it had some serious carbonation in it.  Sure enough, when I poured it, very gently, a pale pink clear beer came out with a huge white fluffy head. It was the Raspberry Wheat I made, gosh, I think about a year ago for a wedding in western Washington I attended.   Crystal clear and the carbonation is so high that even as I drink it down, the top is continuously covered by a white skin and a 1/4″ thick head around the edge.  Big raspberry aroma and a very light wheat cereal note as I used the American Hefeweizen yeast as I recall. which does not impart much of that classic German Hef flavor.  The fruit flavor is a bit tart and lacking that fake “Jolly rancher” or soapy flavor that a lot of commercial Ras-Wheats have.

This has encouraged me to check on the few others that I have in there that are a bit of a mystery.  Im pretty sure that at least a few of them are a 15+% Imperial Stout that I made back to 2007.   Here’s to happy mystery beer hunting..