Hit and Mission

After a whirlwind weekend in the San Diego area, the only beer i managed to bring back with me is this this IPA from Mission Brewery.

I also recently realized that with my Netflix account I can stream some movies right to my computer.  I saw THX 1138 on the instant streaming list and figured I would try this beer from a brewery I had never heard of while checking out this movie I had never heard of made by a guy that everyone had.

So here goes….

A murky light redish brown with a full thick off white head.   Classic citrusy hop aroma and lost of sweet carmel malt notes as well.  There is a little bit of “holiday” spice.  Cinnamon or nutmeg or allspice or something there as well .   Plenty of malt flavor and a hefty bitter slap in the face.  It has a rather dusty and woody character that seems to me like it is not fresh.  Lingering bitter tannin like bite and disappointingly little of the crisp hoppiness from the Centennial and cascade varieties that are claimed to be used.

According to their website, Mission has only been around since 2007, and though their site shows teh 4 beers they feature, other online sources show that there are in fact 18 or so that they have made since then.  Looks like a case of someone setting up their web page for them and not maintaining it.  The Vons supermarket in SD where I got this IPA had a couple of their others but if given a choice, I typically go for the IPA as opposed to an Amber or Hef, which were both there as well.

Another IPA that was mediocre altogether and all I could think of was how the slow only mildly interesting movie that was depressing and dystopian, somewhat paralleled the beer I was drinking.  But with less calories.